
J Sainsbury Values
Socially Enable The Responsible Story

Sainsbury’s has always been a values led business and today it’s no different. Customers' attention has been focussed on good value rather than good values. There is plenty of evidence of good things happening around values throughout the business. There is also increasing evidence that customers care about the providence and safety of the products they are buying as well as value for money.


Living By Values
Sainsbury’s does not always get the credit it deserves for living its values every day. Many colleagues were not as aware as they might be of the great work being done to source with integrity, to make the place a great place to work, to respect the environment, to give back to the community and most of all, to be the best for food and health as it always has been. And if they don’t know, how can customers?


Little Stories, Big Difference
There are hundreds of stories to be told and thousands of colleagues to tell them. So I worked with Sainsbury’s  to make colleagues, the ambassadors of the values through the use of short, sharable stories and produced films for each one. No more than 30 seconds. And most importantly to do it with a sense of humour. 


Valued By The Audience?

The 'Little Stories, Big Difference' hub online, signposting other relevant evidence and stories. The films were supported by social media using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Sainsbury have used the films in Sainsbury’s internal colleague briefing and in personalised customer marketing.